Sunday, April 24, 2005

Sunday n at D-day Gym

Study Room
Woke up at 9am though I slept about 3am. Went to the local community center, signed in to get ready for my June exams preparation. Two young gals were gossiping soft in the background (in the study room) while I was trying to concentrate on my revision.

Kinda of getting on my nerves. The gals were joined by another chumpy (most probably horny)guy, think it, I mean he, was about nearing 1.8m, sonsidering me abt 1.73m. Man, triple impact.. I have asked huge strangers to move aside or make room (when they get too near my wife) on the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), I was wondering to make myself heard in the room. I was not one to hold my peace when I got something to add..

Reveal the beastly me (to the threesome).. anyway I was off creatine (not sure if they do "enhanced" the excess energy). Slowly I disappearing into my "complex" computations and the surrounding seem to fade off as I concentrate...

D-day at Gym
Anyway the rain has stopped in the late afternoon, and I can reach my car without getting all wet(n wild). I decide to hit the gym with my wife after my studies. Surprising after one week off the gym I was hitting the weighs with "ease" today. I decided to add another 20% (pitiful comparing to the huge regulars) load to my usual. After about 30-40mins I found myself panting and grasping for breast, I mean breath..

My worried wife came up to me and asked me why I looked pale. I told her I should have stick to my usual workout rather than push it. It took me another 20-30mins to recover to my normal self. After refreshen up myself, I don't look good and decide since my inlaw is not cooking this weekend, we will only go back next week.

At Home
Now I am at home restoring all the good stuffs onto my trusty PDA - Dell Axim5. While at it I came out with some pretty good backup procedure to follow. Not going to fall into the trap of losing all my precious data....

Oh yes, at 11pm I have my favourite Man Utd against Newcastle.. Most probably I will be dozing afair bit during my Monday night class, well.. if you are a fan...


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