Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Thursday Morning n Bloggin

Just managed to recover some old files that was not gone with my old harddisk.
Sent via registered post to Changi my RIP harddisk this afternoon.
Cost me $2.50 for box and masking tape, another $4.50 postage charges.

Still consider cheap if I purposely drive down - petrol and time value of money.
Though I spend considerable time at the Post Office, with all the E-everything. It has been
ages since I last visited a Post Office.

Nice Sunset, surprising I capture these birdies together with the setting Sun, behind my house.

Another pic -

I lose most of my motorshow pics, sadly.. yeah, those babes shots - they kindly (which I gladly) pose for me.

Nice half moon shot.. wonder of 12x zoom n OIS as shown by my Panasonic FZ20..
how long before I go into a DSLR?? For now, the FZ20 serves my need n more. :)


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