Friday pubbing
Suppose to hit the gym, but my bro ask me to go for a drink near his office.
We decide to go to Blue Banana @ Orchard Tower.
"free pool till 9pm" struck us, we decided to be cheapo n go in.
I ordered a fruit punch (my usual excuse - "sorry, I am driving" and tiger for my bro.
Couple of regulars are playing among themselves, we put our names on the board and waited our turn. My bro and I were knocked out each we played against the winner.
He was pretty good but seem slightly over confidence and impatience at times.
Couple of "foreign exports" were floating around, pretty distracting but not as much to me, but the effect to my bro was quite drastic I suppose. He did not played to his normal standard I presume.
The pub has a tournament among the pubbers, my bro enrolled me n himself.
The top prize was a bottle of liquor of your choice.
I was pretty nervous as I know nuts abt pools, I play more of snooker in my youth days.
I am lucky to pair off with a reasonable standard guy, black specs in black shirt plump guy, who seem more nervous than me in the 1st round. He has chance to kill me off with the last pot of black, but miss, I then polished off the black ball and thank the opponent for his game.
Bro was knock off 1st round as he loses his concentration by a guy call Matthew. The boss has another vacancy at 1st round, and slot my bro name in. 2nd life line for him.
He cleaned off this opponent and hop into the quarter final round. There were cheers all round as he show his standard with some very good pots.
For my 2nd round, I have chance to meet Matthew. Matthew also seem nervous and I was lucky in the last few shots, and finished him off.
Unfortunately bro was still veri affected by the surrounding foreign exports juggling around, in the quarter final, he lose to a player whose skills seem to be beneath him. Losing on the black.
Onto the Semi-final. I marched. I happened to meet the one of the two favourites. He was the one who in the free play time, polish me off. The guy was tall and slim, pretty cheerful chap. I start off the play with many safety breaks and limited his time at the table. He was very good at the table initally with high confidence, clearing most of his target balls.
I started my safety shots, and slowly take my time to clean the ball, then follow by a safety break with a difficult shot come about.
The guy clear all his balls, and start to have a safety break with the black pot.
I took a far clean cushion pot into corner pot. Next pot I tried a double onto another ball which entered too.
Unfortunately could not follow the black pot to clear the table. By this time, I think my opponent is slightly shaken as he miss the pot (which he normally won't) when he returned to the table.
I pot the black, finish winner and thanked him for the game.
In the final I meet another fav. from his stance, I reckon he could be a snooker player like myself. He was full of sway n seem slightly cocky. I tried to get his attention to start the game, n he was chatting with his frens. (dun mention abt shaking hands yet)
This opponent is accurate and has very good positional skills. He clean his target balls very fast, and left about 2-3 balls within a short period.
I again started the game with many safety breaks, and leave him frustrated as his left targets are blocked. I slowly clean my target ball one by one, leaving him with little shooting opportunity on his target balls.
Came to the cruncher, the table was left two of his target balls, three of mine and of course the black. He pot one, but miss his other target, leaving it slightly behind the black. On the table are three of my target balls. I do one long pot, and position to clear a center pot, follow by another corner pot. The strenght of my last pot just bring my ball upz nicely behind the black, unblock by the opponent target ball.
I have a hard look at the black, and thought the angle looks slightly odd to be potted. I can't rememberly what I do, but I believe I added some very slight swerve over cue ball, swerve some bit over the opponent ball and hit the black.. "bonk!!" it never sound nicer when the black drop into the pocket.. !! Job done, winner n slight cheers all round. (me not regular mah.. their regulars lose)
The boss came to me n congras me. I told him I was lucky which I do really believe I am.
I was given a bottle of whiskey which was opened and shared between the pool players..
There's now a half bottle waiting for me when I next go back to the pub.
My bro congras me for the upset victory, defeating two favs on the way to whiskey.. hehe..
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